Hi Charlotte! My discussion prompt really had received a fascinating range of responses. For me, switching to serial chapter releases back in 2015 is what made everything click into place. I've been writing consistently ever since.

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Thanks for the inspiration--absolutely loved reading the comments and need to go back and catch up on more. I'm so interested in the way serials are thriving on Substack. One more reason to love this space.

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I think this was good to read. The examples didn't hit the bullseye but I think what I realized is I might not be ready to call it more than a hobby. hmmm

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Hmmmm is right. Not convinced that you are just a hobbyist, if your Substack is any indication. Thanks for reading and commenting!

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What motivates you to get thyself to the page? Please do share in the comments. And if anything is particularly un-motivating, add that, too.

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