Feb 20·edited Feb 20Liked by Charlotte Rains Dixon

Why thank you for the kind comment about the writing prompts :-) Interestingly, you find the same issue I have with manuscript submissions for publication, so many people send their creative endeavours as soon as they write 'the end' for the first time.

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It's a pleasure to recommend you! And yes, writing "the end" as soon as a first draft is finished is a common problem. Agents get inundated with submissions on December 1st--the day after Nanowrimo ends!

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Feb 19Liked by Charlotte Rains Dixon

I've spent a lifetime wondering if I'm good enough - at everything. I finally decided the answer is always yes - and it's no. In my career as a teacher, I was never satisfied that I was doing it as well as I possibly could be - for every single student - on every single lesson. But I continued to strive for that benchmark day after day, after month, after year. And I now realize that my never-good-enough attitude is what made me a passable/mostly successful teacher. Now, as a writer, I know the answer is still yes and no. I may not be good enough, but I'm going to keep doing it anyway. As my wise sister is fond of saying, "Who's gonna stop me?"

Thank you, Charlotte, for always making me think - and always encouraging me (all of us) to write.

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Thank you, Marna, for this insightful comment. I have a feeling that your former students view you as far more than a passable teacher! When it comes to writing, the great thing is that doing it a lot makes you better and better. And there's always more to learn--for all writers. That's why it never gets boring!

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Love this post! And I agree--keep writing, keep doing the work, keep getting better. I have to keep reminding myself of that sometimes. 💜 As for book recs, I just finished Emma Grey's "The Last Love Note", which was amazing (I think it tore my heart out and then stitched it back together), and BK Borison's "In the Weeds," which I enjoyed so much I read it twice in a week (no tissues needed for that one!).

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And Lauren you are so good at doing just that--writing and getting better and getting your books out in the world. You're my inspiration! Thanks for both book recommendations. I follow B.K. on Insta and have been curious about her books so I'll check that one out.Also Emma Grey's.

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Aww, thanks so much! It's the long game! :)

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Feb 18Liked by Charlotte Rains Dixon

This year I'm reading seasonally, so I'm deep in winter themed books right now, which has led to surprising discoveries across genres and fun variety. Iceland Sweden Alaska New York blizzards snow snow snow. Ice skating sledding skiing hockey if you haven't read the little book Two Old Women by Velma Wallis I highly recommend! And if you'd like to see my winter list so far I can send ... and I'm looking forward to spring

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Love the idea of reading seasonally and the sound of all your books. Snow snow snow etc. I was just telling my hub this morning that I could for one tiny little bit of snow (a day or two and no ice) and then spring! But we probably won't get any so I'll have to read about it instead. I have not read, nor heard of that book but will look it up. I'd love the book list--thanks!

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