Yes! I am having a hard time with my caregiving duties at the moment (dementia often manifests itself in anger) and last night I gave myself permission to look after me, get her some other person to help fit a while and book my flights. Just zoom along with my life. It feels great!!

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Oh, Cece, I'm so glad you gave yourself a break! You work harder than anybody I know--I'm constantly admiring your energy. And it sounds like you are getting away soon is you are booking flights. Yay!

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Hello Charlotte! Love your posts full of honesty and humour. Thank you for giving us permission to just write without all that heavy baggage of guilt or fear. I always appreciate your gentle advice and suggestions. You don't impose it on us which others might do with guilt tactics about not writing every day or scolding us for procrastination. I am not a person who responds well to scolding or guilt trips and appreciate gentle encouragement and praise much more.

I haven't written much on my novel this month but I did create daily stories for my stuffed toys as I'm doing another toy theme with the daily photo prompts. Fun to let my inner child out to play each day.

I also have my monthly short story alumni group to write a short story every month and I always enjoy that very much.

I've signed up for another 100 Day Book session. I had an editor friend do a developmental edit on my romance novel so that's what I will work on starting in February. Fourth draft here I come! I long to write something new but at the same time, I want to get that novel completed to a level that I'm happy with as I've invested so much time, money and energy into it already. I owe it to my characters!

Thanks, Charlotte! Your posts are always a comfort and inspiring!

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I love the idea of daily stories for your stuffed toys!! Letting your imagination run loose. Just love that!

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Thanks so much. I've been having fun doing them. I need that kind of creative boost to chase away the January blahs as winter is a tough season to get through.

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I am the rare human who likes January. I know, I know. But I also don't live where it is really cold and snowy all the time. One week of being iced in was enough for me! And I'm glad you've had our creativity to help you through.

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Cathy, I give you permission to appreciate all that you are accomplishing. It sounds like a lot of great stories and fun. And woohoo for the fourth draft of the novel!

I'm so glad that my posts are a comfort and inspiring--that makes my day.

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I needed this! Thank for the inspiration, Charlotte!

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You're very welcome, Zelly!

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Permission is something I need to work on and make it work for me instead of against me. I spend more time giving myself permission to do something else instead of what I want to do most. You just made me realize procrastination is just another form of not feeling good enough to, or worthy of, and the truth is I am, as are we all. Your love letter may be just the thing I need to give myself permission to spend more time writing. I can use THAT as a way to procrastinate some of those other things that need doing but aren't as much fun! As always, thank you for being part of my world!

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Okay, I LOVE the idea that you can use writing as a way to procrastinate on the other things in the world that need doing! And honestly, we all do that. It's easier, though not as much fun, to load the dishwasher or do laundry because you don't have to think like you do when you're writing. I'm glad to have you as part of my world!

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