Charlotte, I love your advice and tough love. This is just what Americans need right now. I have stayed relatively calm, but I see some anxiety creeping in as we get closer to election day. Penny the Talking Cat is my favorite YouTube distraction! Thanks, Charlotte!

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Oh my, I'm going to have to go find Penny the Talking Cat immediately! Thank you, Sandra!

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Carved a pumpkin. Went to the art museum. Still need to write......

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YES YOU DO. Desiree is waiting. But I'm anxious to get to the art museum to see that McCartney exhibit myself so I forgive you.

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I did it. I sat down and wrote the second chapter of my third novel – a story I've had in my head for months. YOU have nudged me here. And even though I haven't revised the other two books and even though I have no idea what I'll do with this one when I'm finished, it doesn't matter. I'm writing this story for me. Just like I did with the others. When I'm writing, I can cope. When I'm not writing, I'm a mess. Thank you, Charlotte. Finding you on Substack had been a complete joy.

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Oh Jeni, this makes me SO happy. First of all that you are working on your third (!) novel. And second that I helped to nudge you to do it. And yes to this: "When I'm writing, I can cope. When I'm not writing, I'm a mess." You're the best. So happy for our connection.

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Thank you VERY MUCH for your encouragement, Charlotte. This truly means so much to me and the bears and dolls! Also, it's especially welcome when my yarn only wants to tangle when coming off the knitting swift. Honestly, not as bad as not being able to reset a password though. I felt for you yesterday. Yes, several years ago, I participated in NaNoWriMo two years in a row and had the absolute best time writing novels. The second one, I actually took to a conclusion and, several years later, sent to ten trusted readers from a variety of backgrounds. I had very useful feedback – some nitty gritty, some broad brush, but a very positive response. And I even went as far as noting all of the suggestions and thoughts on an annotated draft in my iPad. I got through several chapters of changes and then faltered when I lost a friend. I haven't been able to get back into it or have just chosen to let it be. Not sure. I would like to get back to it, BUT, this other idea just wouldn't stop knocking at the door. So, I'm on that now. Who knows where it will a go? But I do think I spend too much time wondering what I'll do with a novel when I finish it and that turns into paralysis. You have helped me to see that a writer writes. Period. Good to think about the other stuff at some point, perhaps. But I definitely feel more like myself when I'm doing rather than wondering what point there is in my doing. Thank you for helping me see this more clearly. Wow, long comment! Yikes, I hope you have a great day way over there on the other side of America.

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Jeni, I love this long comment with all your thoughts around writing! I'm so, so happy that you let that idea that took hold of you get you back to the page. I do feel that often ideas pass us by if we don't follow up on them promptly. And Nanowrimo is coming right up. I'm doing a post on it tomorrow.

I sure would like to see you go back to the other novel at some point. I am the queen of letting things languish on my computer and I'm working to get over that. It sounds like you have done so much on it!

But for now, enjoy this new project!

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Thank you thank you thank you for linking me into your world!

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Of course, my pleasure!

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