Charlotte, I just upgraded to paid. I have had a copy of the book and workbook for quite a while, and even did a bunch of the lessons, but fell off the wagon before I finished and didn't receive all of the potential benefits of being fully engaged and finishing all of the lessons. SO, I'm looking forward to the class and hoping to be able to stay with it. I may miss a few of the Zoom sessions, due to scheduled vacations and appointments that fall into that timeframe.

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Peggy, I'm so happy to have you on board! I think it will be motivating to have a whole group doing it together. And no worries about missing the zoom sessions, I'll record them. More info coming soon.

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Looking forward to joining in and kickstarting my creativity. I remember reading a bit of the Artist's Way when my mom had the book years ago. I have always loved the idea of an artist's date with myself and do that often combining a walk and photo taking.

Great to see my pal, Peggy chiming in here. She and I have been friends for years since we were in a writing group for the Institute of Children's Literature grads. The group fizzled out but we are still in touch so I am grateful for that and for this course. Thanks, Charlotte! We need a boost in January like this.


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I'm so happy that you are all in, Cathy! And how fun that you know Peggy. I'm looking forward to getting to know her. I do think this course will be the boost we all need this January. Opening up to our creative selves is more important than ever this year.

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I'm in, for sure! So glad I'm a Founding subscriber, because this is just another perk I get from being a consistent part of your world. I've heard of the Artist's Way for a few years now, but had no idea what it was all about. I've now read the intro and just started reading about Morning Pages (which I've also heard much about, but didn't realize it was an institution :) I'm looking forward to the first Tuesday message and to seeing everyone else who is excited about this on the first Friday Zoom.

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It's going to be a great group, Marna, and I'm so happy you're in it. And you've started doing Morning Pages. Yay!

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This sounds great. Upgraded to paid. Excited to work with you again. xxx

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I'm SO happy you joined!

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Oh hi FOMO. You again? But I'm working on three projects ... no it's not an excuse. WTF Azalene, crawl off.

Okay I'm in. I think. I did TAW way back when and loved it. The book alone was a life changer, for sure.

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Right? Life changer. And I am not a tough task mistress. If it's too much you can drop it. But it'll be so fun to have you in it!

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Hi, Charlotte-- I upgraded to paid-- is there anything else I need to do to make sure I'm on the list? I found a few copies of the Artist's Way from decades ago-- I believe I got my first one in the 90's. I'll check out the time zone difference between Portland, OR, and the East Coast. Keep up the good work. Perhaps I'll get the engine started again. (I should embroider that on a pillow.)

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Yay! So glad you're joining us. I'll be sending out an email to paid subscribers this Friday with more details but in the meantime, you can start reading. We'll discuss The Basic Principles, The Basic Tools, and Week 1: Recovering a Sense of Safety next week. Exciting!

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I was interested to see that Julia rejected monetising her ideas….I too was advised to patent the eucalyptus ecoprint, but chose not to…mostly for the reason that as when a dye / print process is patented, the huge companies that nobody can afford to fight (but who have people whose job it is to keep and eye on new things and steal the ideas) would be the ones benefiting most.

As it is, a lot of “small makers” have been able to make a living from the process. There have inevitably been a couple of very cheeky poachers who have set themselves up as masters and are teaching ecoprint as their own (which is a bit irritating) but on the whole I think I made the right decision.

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Oh India I love this. It's so great that your process and ideas have allowed small makers to make a living. You've impacted so many lives by choosing this way to go. And a pox on those people teaching ecoprints as their own. Honestly, the nerve.

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Yep I’m in. What’s the first Zoom day?

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Yay! And January 17 is the first zoom day.

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Thank you.

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HAHA. Two Hamptons is even more delicious than one!!! :)

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I'm not sure I can handle two of you. Is it just coincidence that you are both strong, kick-ass women?

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You mean like you!

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Aw, thanks!

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Ditto. Plus it’s a family trait.

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Jan 9
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So happy you are on board! You can help me extol the virtues of doing morning pages!

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