So true! And it is a nasty little elf indeed!

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fear is a nasty little elf that pops up just when you think you're getting back in the game

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Fear. Are you afraid people will criticize you? Post links to “data” refuting whatever it is you said? Or maybe a ‘hater’ from the past stumbling upon your newsletter and spewing all manner of hate and lies?

I, too, struggle with these and other fears, at times. BUT...and it’s a very important but...I’ve learned (what I already knew somewhere in my intellect) that I can’t control this.

I mean, look at the hate spewed out against JC (yes, THAT JC) and others just hoping to write something that will spur some dialogue.

My best advice is you’ve got to talk yourself off the ledge. Any fears should them slink away into the dark recesses from which they came. Oh, they will come back, but their will wield less power each time.

Maybe you have different fears. Let me know!

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That's such a great reminder, Samantha--that fears are basically weak and will "slink away into the dark recesses" if we challenge them. And their power gets weaker every time. I don't think they ever fully go away--we just get better at dealing with them!

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Exactly! Like that annoying person you have to see from time to time. She or he doesn’t get less annoying, you just eventually learn to cope with it better.

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