The Story Writer’s Path
Here’s why
You think I’m kidding about it being time to stop writing. But I’m here to tell you I know you and I know your bad writing habits. And I think it’s time to nip them in the bud once and for all. And the best solution for that is for you to just quit. Ditch all the pretensions to being a writer. Chuck your grand plans for world domination through writing best-selling novels. End it all, right now, while you can still go out with dignity.
Here are all the reasons why
Because you whine about it way too much
Because you complain you don’t have time for it, but you have plenty of time to binge watch Netflix or scroll through your phone
Because you like having written, but not the actual writing part
Because you like hanging around with other writers, going to writing events, but not the actual writing part.
Because you’re too old
Because you can’t tell your family secrets
Because you don’t have anything to say
Because you’re not good enough
Because you’re too good for the foolish readers in the world
Because nobody will ever want to publish you
Because, I repeat, you’re not good enough
On the other hand
Maybe for you writing is like breathing. Maybe you can’t imagine a world where you don’t turn to pen and paper to process everything about your life. Maybe you’d rather write than just about anything you can think of.
If that’s the case, and you’ve ever entertained any of the thoughts above here’s what I have to say to you:
Turn the energy you spend whining about writing into actually doing it
Ditto with the binge watching
Everybody prefers the having written part to the writing part
Writers are the best people, for real. But you’re one, too, even if you won’t admit it
You’re not too old. You’ve acquired more wisdom than those younger than you
Isn’t it time to let the skeletons out of the closet? If not, fictionalize them
If you have the desire to write, you have plenty to say
Yes you are good enough
Never look down on your readers. And besides, snobbery is just fear talking
If nobody wants to publish you, publish yourself
I repeat, yes you are good enough
Writing is a mind game
And your mind will play tricks on you if you let it. Your brain will tell you all the reasons I’ve mentioned above to get you to stop writing, and more. Your job is not to push them aside and get to the page anyway. Some ideas that might help:
Write fast, edit slow. When first you sit down to write, let the words rip. Don’t stop to think — because that’s when the doubts creep in. Keep your hands moving across the page. When it comes time to edit, slow down and go through everything you’ve written with care.
Get your ya yas out. Spend the first five minutes of your writing time putting all the reasons why you should quit writing on the page of your journal. There. Done. It’s all out of your brain now and you can get to it.
Writing breeds more writing. Just as energy breeds more energy, so too with writing. For real. The more you write, the easier it gets to shut down all the crap your brain is going to distract you with.
Befriend your inner critic. Get to know the source of the whiney, complaining voice within. Maybe it sounds suspiciously like your fifth grade teacher. Maybe it’s a parent. Or maybe it’s a mischievous gnome, like mine. His name is Patrick and I bargain with him: leave me alone to write now and I’ll let you come out when it’s time to edit.
Consider your legacy. Do you really want, she scrolled through her phone to be written on your grave? You have a story, or many stories, within you, I know you do. Don’t let them die without telling them.
You can do it, I know you can. All you have to do is go to the page and write. Then rinse and repeat. But if you’re not doing that, even once in a while, it may be time to quit pretending you want to write.